Do you think that accounting is boring and monotonous, but at the same time very hard work? You are, however right, but on our website we would like you to Shine in the history of the development of this trend and to tell about some interesting facts about accounting.
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Interesting facts about accounting |
You may be surprised, but the accounts in a particular form originated in ancient times. When the earth was inhabited by humanoid Neanderthals. Primitive people were primitive "to count", due to the fact that in those days numbers, as such, did not exist they were identified as notches on stones, cave walls, animal bones, pieces of wood. Later as the counting method applied to ordinary rope, which was done nodules.
Of course this type of accounting was thorough, but the notches on trees, and knots in the ropes laid the Foundation accounting. But in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia simple economic calculations were carried out on papyrus, wooden and clay tablets and later on paper.
Incidentally, an interesting fact is that the provision of accounting services according to official statistics, women - them 85 percent of the total number - have you ever seen accountant man - I personally don't. But this profession was invented by none other than man and to them was Luca Pacioli. The shape of modern accounting begins to take only in the sixteenth century in Italy balgodarya this famous mathematician and philosopher of the era.
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Interesting facts about accounting |
This scientist in contrast to the centuries-old experience of economic accounting, which was carried out without application of any rules proposed to comply with it "the divine proportion": record all receipts and all expenditures separately from each other. So a double-entry system of debits and credits, familiar words, isn't it.
It is very interesting that in different countries the accounting is different due to the fact that each country has its own laws and legal regulations, but in General terms, accounting is divided into 4 types. The first group includes an English-speaking country, second in Latin America, the third continental country and the fourth country in Eastern Europe.
In the first 3 groups dominates the calculation of the financial result and profit, and in the 4th group the emphasis is on control.
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Interesting facts about accounting |
In the countries of the first group approach to the accounting professional, is denied control by the state, all accountants are associations, which is considered to be the state. In Latin America some of the functions of accounting, to study and to reflect inflationary processes in the economy. In Eastern Europe, accounting is conducted according to the requirements and directives of the state.
And finally I would like to give examples, the list of celebrities who previously worked accountants. This: Elizabeth Arden (founder of the house Arden, luxury cosmetics), Herbert George wells (science fiction writer, the author of the cult "the invisible Man"), Mikhail Zoshchenko (satirist), William porter (who wrote under the pseudonym O. Henry).
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